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The dads take a moment after the revelations of the previous episode to collect themselves, and gather mercenaries for the final assault.



Gabriel Becerra

The bad-dogs-barrel-roll thing Anthony is describing is a group exercise called "monkey rolls"

Scout Jarman

That predator high five sound effect ALWAYS makes me flinch lol

Chai Reynolds

Love me a salty Anthony. 😍😝

Sheila Yeboah

The “gotcha” Paeden says gets me every time 😂

Rae Ellis

I died when I learned about Daryl's pooping habits because I dated someone who did that! Fully nude for every poop. Didn't learn until we moved in together. Carol's a better woman than me.

Kari Carter

I hope Disney buys the rights to Glen

Angelo Hurtado

Honestly a red flag that no one on the pod but Matt takes their pants off when they poop