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Hello LX Tier Patreon Supporter!

First off - thank you so much for your support. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just joined recently, your contributions help make this very silly podcast possible, and for that we are immensely thankful!

As you may have read in main post, we’re going to be “retiring” the LX tier - but don’t worry! You’re not losing any of your rewards, and you'll still be tagged as an LX Tier member in the Discord.

From today forward, you’ll start receiving all the $5 EX tier rewards automatically! That means you’ll start getting episodes Talking Dad, the post-record behind the scenes chat show, and your name will be entered into the shoutout pool! Talking Dad releases on off-week Tuesdays, and this next episode covers the emotional rollercoaster of Episode 25!

If you wish to continue supporting us at $2, you are more than welcome to do so! You’ll still receive new episodes of Talking Dad.

However, if you want access earlier episodes of Talking Dad, you’ll need to upgrade to the EX tier. Additionally, as a heads up, should you ever pause or stop your Patreon subscription at the $2 LX level and wish to rejoin, you’ll have to rejoin at the $5 EX level (since the $2 LX tier will no longer be an option).

Thanks again for all your support, and we hope you enjoy episodes of Talking Dad, which will start showing up in your feed from now on!


Grant McHerron

OK, so I upgraded to the EX tier 'cos damn it, this show is worth it. I haven't LOL'd this much to a podcast in a while (and many of my D&D actual plays are quite worthy of laughter). I was stifling laughs while on the train commuting to/from work while listening to the show. The Revenge of the Mummy episode was awesome (not to mention the BDSM episode :) )! I'm glad it's working out for you folks too. Please keep it happening :)

Darkpumpkin21 .

Will the next episode of talking dad's come on the same feed as the spin off once it releases?


So if i don’t change from the $2 lx tier am i still paying $2 a month or $5 a month?