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We ruminate how money changes the fundamental nature of a dad, as well as share a bunch of awkward experiences with strangers, and answer which dad would win in a head-to-head deathmatch.



Kelsie Charbonneau

Hahaha I'm with Matt, I would be happy just to help and not expect anything in return.

The Crow Witch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-07 05:54:19 Y'all should shit on chain wallets so much. I haven't lost my wallet in 27 years because that wallet is tethered to me. EMBRACE IT
2023-03-01 21:58:52 Y'all shouldnt shit on chain wallets so much. I haven't lost my wallet in 27 years because that wallet is tethered to me. EMBRACE IT

Y'all shouldnt shit on chain wallets so much. I haven't lost my wallet in 27 years because that wallet is tethered to me. EMBRACE IT

Michelle McCartney

I dunno, I do think Erin deserved half the money. She was only in that situation because the dads put her in it and she even ended up dying during the fight. I think she's been a really good sport considering she's always helping them out giving them info and direction. I think it was the honourable thing to do to recognise what she did for them and to give her half. She ended up setting up her nature reserve with it and everything so ultimately that money also went to saving all the people her and her trees would have displaced in like Barovia or wherever if she hadn't gotten it. Like the dads ended up potentially saving a lot of people by doing that. I don't know, maybe greed as a trait really squicks with me and I don't see the point in being clutchy with money when you already have so much. I also really love Erin so admittedly I'm super biased. I know this episode is super old but I'm having a fun spree re listening to them. :)

Johnny Horan

I agree with Matt so much it’s insane

sean Urban

So, I had to put this story here because they mentioned "the worst thing you did to a stranger". I was at the theaters watching Endgame, and throughout the movie a group of teenage girls kept talking, screaming, and wailing at every moment. For the first hour I endured it (hey, kids will be kids) but at the moment Iron Man dies, they were the loudest I've ever heard a human being be. Now, I'm severely lactose Intolorant and had unknowingly eaten dairy earlier in the day (I feel your pain Beth) so I had been holding in a fart that was tearing me up, but I wanted to be polite. Now by the time these girls had reached the peak of scream crying I had had it..... I let loose the most tyrannical, demonic, oppressive, and hate fueled fart I have ever endured. I have never laughed harder in my life seeing these girls react with pure horror as my hate wafted there way..... Best movie of my life


So funny how they share stories

Rachael Bradley

🎶800-588-2 300 Empiiiiirrreee🎶 I think this is one of the 800 commercials Beth was talking about lol

Nicholas Bugeja

What was up with Beth's rant about the pants?!

Keely O'Brien

What is will talking about? There are no ten dollar coins in Europe 😂 the biggest coin is 2 euro.

Victoria and Austin

Thank you so much for suggesting hey riddle riddle!!!!


Are you guys going to do a Talking Dad for the Mountains of Dadness?? I would love that so much!


Talking Dads, Talking Sons and now Talking Grandparents

Margaret Campbell

I literally ripped out my headphones during parts of the latest Mountains of Dadness. So good!

Someone Named Tygget

Beth, why is Ron Stampler the way he is? In universe answer or not, I don't care, I just need answers.

Moose Goose

"what is the opposite of true neutral cause you're somehow that" TIL Matt is a sith, cause he only deals in absolutes


I mean, his dad killed cats as a kid so Ron's probably SUPER damaged!


What happened to the castle from the deck of many things? Did I miss it?

Weston Stacey

What unique Christmas tradition do the dads perform? (assuming they all celebrate it) and if not Christmas then what holiday?

mac thompson

I as a teen was swindled in France like Will. I ended up giving these people I guess $50 because I didn’t understand what was happening. They said it was for charity I think but when I told my dad what happened he spent a good 20 minutes angrily wandering a park looking for the people. Not a good day.

Brennan Artzt

Since you are probably aware of the one-page RPG Dadlands do you have any plans of playing it for the podcast?

Alonso Gomez

So did no one notice when Anthony's voice for Emily Dickerson went from rough to English to freaking Captain Jack Sparrow? 🤣🤣🤣

Caitlin Rochlin

I just wanna say that I have also downloaded a podcast and burned it to a CD ROM to play in my car. For bonus Henry Oak points, it was This American Life.

Maxim Gagnon

Anthony, now that the campaign is over could you post the notes/overview? I would love to run this same campaign.

Ian Chen

What were the dads’ first car?

Vonn Frey

the dads should by a boat (talking dads ep 17)

Tristen Hunt

Hey i got a question. Since apple podcast sucks is there any way for me to listen to talking dad on spotify? if not any other apps you guys suggest?

Jason Melton

So with the wallet thing, I've been j. Japan for a few years. If you were to drop your wallet in the middle of town with your address and a couple thousand dollars, it's coming back to you with all the money in it


I’m relistening to these and the moment of Matt “The thief that you are” is outstanding.

Maxime Coulombe

I literally just lost my phone so this ep. Kinda stings

Jordan Stickle

Will's experience with the scams kills me and I totally would've reacted the same way

Kyle Myers

I'm a cart pusher and I find everything from phones to wallets to keys, even an IPad once, never asked for money because why would I. Only time I got money was when they actively looked for me to give me money.

Keegan McAdams

Just a fun detail--Will mentioned that Henry had some CD stuck in his Prius, so this podcast CD-RW theory is great but contradicting 🤔 lol

Hunter K

That lady absolutely stole his wallet and felt guilty about it.

Wolf Note

I dont think will knows how much chickpeas suck

Eddy B

The reward for returning Freddies wallet should have been advice what to do if you find a wallet in the future... "turn it in!"


They CAN be prepared well. But they do rarely are outside of Indian cuisine.


I’m using the wrong page on my iPhone. Works well,

Wolf Note

Thank you brynnah all food is good but as a white person sometimes we shame ourself with what we come up with smh

Jaina Brannan

the fierce nostalgia wave the sears commercial reference gave me knockedme out of my chair

Josiah Muskrat

They absolutely do not wash clothes when they are returned.