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Meryl, Robert, Hildy, and Stud board the midnight train towards Oak Ridge...

This is part two of our stretch goal prequel campaign At the Mountains of Dadness, available to all Patreon supporters. The thrilling conclusion will be out November 28th!




Can't listen to the episode anymore!!! I was getting so invested, please help :(


If anyone has the same trouble I had on mobile, archiving the episode and then refreshing the page worked for me :)

Caz Flip Smith

literally got goosebumps from some of those descriptions - super eerie and unsetting. I love it


Where is episode 3?

Devon Willingham

Fun fact the earliest version of fax machine was in 1843

Leah L

The grandparents have such a great dynamic I flipping love the crew!

Lyle Martin

I've been waiting Daddy Master! Thank you Daddy Master!


I just got so excited cause I thought it was out now 😭

Christopher Pete

Yesssssss! Some fresh terrifying body horror to cringe at on my commute!


I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night!


Tchoo tchoo!


heck yeah!

Braxton Walden

Wait a second... I know this may not be canon but what if one of the dads was adopted??? 😱

Meredith Stanley

Saw my own name and got so confused. Cheers for playing a Rob Matt.


Can’t wait to listen to this while at work


Yay!!!! I need to play this one! So sick!


I've become so addicted to this spinoff series! It is so creepy and amazing!


I love this version of the theme song.


Anthony's title should be GrandDaddy Master!!

Austin Baker

Did you record this all in one go?


This was great, thank you! Beth is definitely in her element, she’s killing me.

Austin Baker

RIP to the inevitable train accident

christian corvin

I need a full version of that outro that I can jam to it sounds so good 😂🤙

Ashley Laduranteay

Is there any chance there will be a transcript of these episodes. I sat through episode one, but I can't bring myself to listen to episode two and I did enjoy the story. It's just the horror I can't listen to. I can read horror, but I can't watch/listen to it so I was hoping you might have an accessible way for me and my fellow scaredy cats to enjoy?


Man, every other voice that Anthony did sounded just like John Mulaney and I can't unhear it lol

Montanna Tilton

I love these so much. Oh my goodness. I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for the next one aaaaaaaaaaa


so many Lizzo moments XD


Fuckin christ, Anthony. You're fucked up. The moment with the shotgun messed me up lol. Good job.


Anyone else having trouble downloading or streaming this episode now?


Also having the same problem. I was an hour in and now it's stopped working

Arthur Williams

Im so glad I gave to to Patreon today!! This was so cool, you guys and gal are absolute tops.


Shoutout to my hometown Oak Ridge, Tennessee!

J. Rand

Cant download or play. Please help.

Kristin Lee

Howdy Dads! I know I'm late for this but I cannot stream this episode either. It's acting like there is no content.


I just can’t download or play it :(

Jamie Advincula

I'm screaming @ the part where they pass around the werther's ... hello from the age of social distancing lmfao


the train conductor dude voice sounds exactly like John Mulaney and its amazing.


What really killed me: “tHe bASiLIsk cAn sTiLL hEAr yOu”


I can’t get to the third episode i click the link but it keeps bringing me to the Second episode


I want to animate this but I feel like it would all have to be censored


How has no one mentioned the killer sound editing and Foley on this episode?! Without spoilers, the part with falling into water was *chef's kiss* breathtaking.


Ah yes, 10, the well known sex number

james carter

100% i bought this just to continue the series.


The gorey sounds really make this experience for me


My god the sound design in the storm flashback is insane

Amy Waller

I think I have untoward feelings for Meryl Streep


Go Grunkle Stud!

Aaron Sterne

Hildy at 115 pounds hodoring the demon away was absolutely fantastic and have some great imagery!