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We discuss the departure and Matt defends his role playing. We speculate about mid-life crises, and reflect fondly upon Medieval Times, Beth roasts Freddie, who has suffered grievous injuries, and we discuss the granddaddy of all D&D podcasts - The Adventure Zone!



Desire Klingensmith

From Colorado- the spring water in Manitou (MAN-ih-TWO) isn't bubbly and it tastes like shit, lol. So heavy on the minerals.

Caz Flip Smith

I'm just impressed that Beth remembered that story like almost 3 years later


tell me you're a baby who rides a motorcycle without telling me you're a baby who rides a motorcycle


I didn't take it that way... I ride a motorcycle too, but you gotta know the risk every time you get on. It's significantly worse b/c of jackasses in SUVs/Trucks w/ huge blind spots, but that doesn't change the inherent risk of flying around at 60 in the open air. I think they were just saying 'you know what you were getting into'. But also, depending on the area, riders are really known for being a-holes.

Katherine C

As a former wench, I can confirm about the knights’ groupies. Also we never made a party wait for everyone to arrive before assigning seats-that’s crazy.


Hilarious now listening to this after listening to the first 7 episodes (that were recorded after the end of the first season) and remembering Will laughing that he's told the green knight story before.

Roopies poopies

You guys can't just drop this at midnight, I have work in the morning


Nice! What a relief after a long day.


I was a little content goblin and dropped this at the STROKE OF MIDNIGHT


And now I'm staying up to listen. Oh noes.

Margaret Campbell

This made my morning commute so much better

George Lister

Sequel series where Paedon becomes the big bad - DUNGEONS AND DADDIES 2: RETURN OF PAEDON.

Kaleb Rhodes

Y’all I just feel like Glenn is the kind of person who’s first exposure to music wasn’t with like any of the classic rock bands but was actually “King of Wishful Thinking” by Go West off the pretty woman soundtrack that his mom got him for his birthday but when he brought up that song to like his music friends in the conversation they were all like “who tf is that???” And then he was bullied for it but still listens to that song every year on his birthday.... idk just a thought


do the dads have other kids? (besides payden sinse he is the best kid)

Zach Perkins

So obviously the dads have at least met in passing before the first episode, so when did the dads meet one another first and what were the first impressions of each?


how much input did the players have in creating their spouses and children? and was there a specific motivation for all the children to be boys, or did it just work out that way?

John A Meadows

Fleshing out a character is always difficult, especially if you're wanting to make the character into an individual being other than yourself. I'm glad Matt is asking the tough questions because that's what builds a backstory. You all are wonderful! Beth, I hope you get to feeling better. The other dad's can't survive without your help. I think.

Kailee Warren

How would the dads parenting styles differ if their sons were daughters?

Martin Benson

What are the chances of getting the podcast to go weekly as a stretch goal?

Martin Benson

Is Doodler over and done doodled with? Or could we see it be summoned still?

Martin Benson

Get well soon Freddie! (Glenn takes 2 D6 psychic damage)

Francis Adrian

It’s clear how Freddy, Matt and Will all know each other, and how Anthony is involved, but how did you decide to bring (the hysterically funny, best character) Beth onboard?

Harry Motchman

What were the dad's like at highschool?

Nicole Martinez

anthony so relatable about hanging out with friends vs playing fantasy games with friends

Nicole Martinez

if you guys end up doing, what was it, Mommies and Monsters? would someone else DM? would you all play each others wives?

Justin K

So, long term question here, does anyone else have an interest in being the DM? I'm thinking like as a sidequest where for example, Matt/Darryl is lost/captured/storms off and then the others plus Anthony (as a new "local" character) go off looking for him. Leaving Matt free to DM the quest.

Shannon Herbert

Who would each of the dads consider to be their closest friend in the party? Or do they even consider each other friends at this point?

Christopher Pete

Is there a reason that you decided to make the 'cast all about father-son relationships, and didn't want to bring in a father-daughter aspect? I'm assuming it's a matter of "write/role play what you know," but I'd like to hear if there was more to it that lead to it being shot down, such as running with an idea that you were excited about before a friend or sibling was able to explain to you why it might be problematic due to factors you didn't consider or were unaware of.


I’m going to assume that it was just the easiest thing to do. 5 boys all on the same sports team


How and when did the dad's meet their wives?

Alonso Gomez

If Darryl's wife was pregnant...would it be his?

Austin Baker

What a fucking dis to literally anyone that drives a motorcycle geezus. That was harsh and uncalled for.


my husband and I agreed we both love our daughter more. perfectly normal parent thing

Austin Baker

Since when did everyone turn on motorcycles?! Is this a California thing?

Josie Tiffany

Listening to this after they’ve pulled from the deck of many things is surreal 😂


I actually broke my Kneecap riding one of those scooters, took over a year to heal! Stay safe freddy

Kyle Myers

Jack Bauer killed a total of 270 people across the 8 seasons of 24.

Garret H

finally got to hear the return of the green knight story

Y2Ksnowglobe .

My mom (named Sheryl) intentionally and deliberately turned down a guy named Darryl because she couldn't handle to the rhyming name thing, so the whole Darryl and Carol cracks me up.


"if you're in you might as well be dead." Jesus Beth, I'm standing right here.