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We’ll be getting more into a more consistent rhythm here as the weeks go on, but please feel free to respond to this post with any questions as we record another episode of Talking Dad, game related or otherwise!


Kathleen McCrae

How do I get rid of the hiccups?

Brennan Artzt

You mentioned that you had an idea for each class for a type of dad, if that's correct what was the dad types for the other classes

Kathleen McCrae

You know what. I wanna know how all the dad's think I should get rid of my hiccups. Please, dads! I need your help!


Was there any discussion about any of the dads changing to a fantasy non-human race when arriving in the Forgotten Realms?


What are the other DnD class/Dad-archetypes? I personally like the Artificer as Shop-Dad or Hobby Papa

Sean Morrell

I emailed my question. Is that cool?


A question for each of the dads: When you go to the hardware store, do you go systematically aisle-by-aisle, or of you have a different way of finding the goods you need? How is this similar or different when you go to a grocery store?


What was the inspiration for each of your characters?

Harry Motchman

How much cut content is there?

Treyley the Cray

Any of the Dads enjoy fishing? Also where can we send gifts and fan mail?


When you were looking for books in the library, why dint any of the dad's ask for a book about inter dimensional travels or about how to harness their dad jokes power more efficiently?


I’m actually about to start playing in a new campaign, my question is how do you balance the fun and ridiculous stuff and actually doing the correct logical things when playing? Or do you just say screw it and try to do the most fun thing and hope it works out?

Gatlin Hooten

What are the chances of longer episodes or weekly episodes? Can we get a Beth May Silent Night MP3?


Which seasonal holiday is each dad's favourite?


Would you consider making a DnDads Christmas album?


And since the first campaign probably won’t last through Christmas, you could do a Christmas in July album.

Alex Franks

What is your set up like? Do you all play together or over Skype?