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We're going to be recording our first ever Talking Dad episode Wednesday evening, so comment here to submit your questions!

Schedule-wise, we're looking at trying to hit the alternating Tuesdays from the main episode releases, so there'll be something for your ear holes every week!




Oooh ooh me pick me. So the 50$ reward tier comes with a lot of cool stuff but is not something I can consistently support. Will the 50 dollar benefits be announcedahead of time so we can opt into say a one shot campaign one month but go back to our normal tier if say the month after what's offered is a pack of custom "Biological Lightning" condoms? Or do we have to remain at that tier for sometime to receive full benefits? (I understand if we must, it'd be neat to cherry pick what I want but you have overhead and rent so I get it). Two, what program is currently used for the audio mixing on the podcast? And Three, is Anthony doing writing for the upcoming Borderlands 3 or due to his current projects will not be involved in this release? Because it could use this level of writing xD

Sean Morrell

Was this dad version of DnD a storyline Freddie and Anthony came up with?


In your description you guys said that the classes line up 1:1 with dad archetypes, what are the dad archetypes of the classes you guys didnt pick?

Tin Bromide

How much of your characters are based on dads in your lives? How much of yourselves are in your dad-characters?


are you guys planing on continue the campain after all the childen are safe? i mean.. both of herny's kids are "safe". i wonder if the dads will get more insentives to stay in this strange ralm


if it made sense for your characters to be other D&D races aside from human, what would they be?


How did you all decide on your classes? Did you co-ordinate it or pick whatever you wanted?


What material are each of Ron's pants?


1. How much of the daddy master's story do players know ahead of time? 2. What was the character creation process like for everyone? 3. What haunted dad feelings plague Ron Stampler's heart?


How many of you have played D&D before the podcast, and are you guys a fan of any D&D podcasts yourselves? Also, will we ever find out more about the mums of the podcast? We know a little bit about Carol but I'd love to know more!


Did you pick your dad archetype or class first when making your characters?


Are you guys going to do a follow-up Mommies podcast?


In episode 5, (The Lord of Chaos part 3), is there anything else that could have spawned from the magic beans that would have been almost as bad if not worse than the pyramid?


any plans or thoughts for doing the show on video? 🙂


Not for the first one as we are not in our usual recording space this week! Definitely will be doing some videos though in the future


I mean the regular show! but hey the more video the better 👍


this is I can appreciate *points to heavily edited podcast* okay new question: please share the nature of your editing process 🤓

Kathleen McCrae

I'm seriously so happy you guys are doing this! I always get kinda sad on the off Tuesdays, cause y'all keep me company while I'm working by myself, so thanks for your premium dad content! I can't wait to get the chance to bump up to being a fifty dollar patron in the future. Cheers!

Madison P

In a future Talking Dad can we hear Beth's hot Firefly takes? She referenced that she had lots of opinions on the show on another talking dads and I simply need to know.