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God may have actually found Matt and Beth with the latest entry into The Christerion Collection, Terrence Malick's A HIDDEN LIFE.

The 2019 epic historical drama examines the choice of a peasant Austrian farmer played by August Diehl to remain steadfast in his faith by refusing to fight for the Nazi army in World War II.



Austin Baker

Excited for this one


From an exmormon, please have a look at saints and soldiers. I would love to hear your take!

Intern Doug

Recovering Catholic here. For me the "always" in the wife's last words to him doesn't read as "I will see you in Heaven" but as "I will always back your decision", or even "I will always believe that I did the right thing in backing your decision". I very much need to watch this movie.

Abby Gibbs

Would nacho libre be a good movie for the christerion collection? Its based on a true story