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The Dad Crew takes a break from the road to sit (or lay) down in a hotel room outside of Detroit and they get into some tour talk including the way that the first "completely improv" show set the tone for the tour, the best green rooms on the tour, how Beth felt after her first live musical performance in front of a crowd, and Freddie's guitar nightmare on stage.

Plus, they get into the latest episode of season three and take some questions from the audience. They talk about their favorite lines from the episode, the elaborate interrogation setup for next episode, and everyone's favorite urban legends.




I'm guessing the 2 bad apples were general sam and papa poob (also sam) in the Indianapolis show holding signs about the mug Freddy promised them over a year ago on their podcast?


I litterly love Beth May's character in this 🫶🫶🫶🤌

Lord Anthony

Freddy Wong for prez


Question for all the dads, but particularly interested to hear Beth’s thoughts. I had undiagnosed ADHD growing up. (a game changing diagnosis @25.) This has made it difficult to read/finish books even when I’m interested in the story. Last year, after starting your podcast, I’ve been able to listen to and even finish a few audiobooks. Although it is easier for me, I agree that the narrator can make or break an audiobook. I listened to The Immortal Soul Salvage Yard recently, and it was one of the easiest audiobooks to listen to. Beth felt so much like my inner monologue that I sometimes forgot I was listening to a book. (Not sure if that was due to her writing, narration, or both. But 😚🤌🏼🤌🏼) I am trying to become a “better reader”. Are there any books or audiobooks that you felt were particularly easy to consume? Do you have any other reading tips for someone with ADHD or attention span struggles? TLDR: ADHD makes it hard to read books, but I wannnnna reeeead. Any book recommendations and/or tips for increasing my literary consumption?


Yall should tour in the south side of the US

Reverend Chatterbones

If we went to St. Paul show what email do we use to request our fart joke? Shart joke for VIP tickets?

Haley Kuehner

I am begging for you guys to come to Canada. A Toronto show would be incredible