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Join us for a behind the scenes look at the recording of the vocals for the Season 2 finale at Maxton's studio! Marvel at our inability to properly hear lyrics across a variety of songs as we wrap up Dungeons and Daddies Season 2!

Check out Maxton's bandcamp here: https://maxtonwaller.bandcamp.com/.



I see the Maxton version is on Bandcamp, but will the kids version also be made available at some point?


this made me cry the first time i heard it

Batsy Boi

Absolutely love Matt's decision to have Linc sing off key, makes me laugh while I'm crying


Ahhh, the time I got in trouble for calling someone a dundergee in grade school, only to then not be in trouble at alllll because it’s not an insult

Callum Laughlin

I would love for the crew/Freddie to film all song recording sessions like these in future content. Understand that the cast want some privacy and filming could affect performance. But it is honestly such a joy to get to see everyone (especially Maxton) working their crafts!

Isaac Amis

I love the nervous energy at the start from everyone and trying to settle in

Jost L. Hansen

Late to the show (and basically saying what others also said), but it the "kid version" we hear in the video and in the last episode going to be online somewhere? On Spotify etc.?


it's cool to see that when freddy does taylor voice he stretches out the bottom corner of his mouth, wouldn't have know that without videos like this

Anthony cadena

Prolly not the best forum to be so vulnerable; but The Daddies have literally become an everyday tool I use to cope with my sadness, anger, and overall disdain for all the injustice and “not fair!”ness to which i’ve yet to feel even the slightest resolution for. Whether listening to this podcast has me laughing or crying, as I am now, (mainly because this version of this song just really fkn pulls at my heartstrings) it feels 1000 percent therapeutic and I honor and thank everyone who makes this podcast possible. I’m Gen X, and this is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen come to fruition; with the exception of my amazing three children and their incredible resilience to the shitty parts of life, and their fierce ambition and gentle demeanor to the better parts of life. I thank you daddies (fkkk still fkn crying ugh) with all my heart and so do my kids because they know how much this podcast helps bring out the better parts of their dad. I love you guys. 🥹

Waseem Vydyarakath

“Beth, you know what the laugher of a woman does to a weak man?”