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Definitely enjoyed the auction part! Can't stop laughing at how desperate they were to get a coin. And Jinhwan on the punishment room :( He's so adorable HAHA. It really was unexpected to have Jinhwan overpower Junhoe, I feel like Junhoe got distracted from Jinhwan's flirting or making the situation weird for them both which was a good move. I think Chanwoo was so determined to get home since they've been at that place for like 7+ hrs and its not really his cup of tea to do lots of activities and prefers being indoors and at home so i think that was his motivation to finish early HAHA. Still cant believe he ate that wasabi macaroon despite not being able to spicy foods. The dedication!!


I have seen ikon tv many times but every time I sit down to watch I’m like this is the funniest and the preview for the next one comes on and I think oh that’s the funniest one. Never fails. I think my favorite is the wet butts, lowest form of humor but perfect punishment