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I feel you when you say it’s not helpful to say hongseok the same thing over and over despite YG being the one putting him on the show… but I think in the long run this experience helped him improve and gain experience:) like you said talent but Wrong time, wrong place… he’s now in pentagon but left the label their under just recently… but as far as I know pentagon is still together :) also IMPORTANT! : you have to remember the dance of jays team because it will reappear in other ikon shows, especially songs part :D at least I was happy when I recognised it and understood:D


"Bitch, I just got here!" cracks me up! hahaha YG just basically used these guys to test Team B before debuting them plus the money he could get from these survival shows. Thank God, iKON are more clingy than ever to each other that they left YG as six and signed in to 143 ent as six.