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Christina Startt

This episode is my comfort watch. Changmin cracks me up so much. "I'm gonna die." Boy you've got legs, RUN!!! I'm half convinced this is why Yunho constantly sprints around the stage during concerts. Just in case they go back on Running Man and he's hunted down again 🤣🤣 You mentioned Minho as another tough one to chase. Agreed! Also, I think it's a running joke (HA) that Jungkook's camera man is the second fastest man ever because apparently jungkook leaves everyone in the dust during BTS games lol. Lastly, I have seen Phantom on Broadway twice and the movie a ton of times. Seeing it live is something else omg. Can't wait for the next half. You'll finally witness the infamous drawing.....


Yeah, this episode was so much fun to watch! (And I'm fully aware the running man cast is carrying the show ) But I really did enjoy how involved/committed U-know and Changmin were to the game, I am really looking forward to Part2 tomorrow XD Also, dare I ask about this infamous drawing...? YESSSS, someone else who has seen The Phantom of the Opera! I low-key preferred it to the movie, which was okay but boy did the theatre show go hard!


Bless the patron who requested this! Aside from Yunho’s infamous drawing, I *loved* the Phantom of the Opera references — I’m a huge fan (having seen the movie, watched the theatre performance, and many of the anniversary performances on DVDs), and recently went on a tour of the Opera Garnier. If you haven’t been, request for the special after hours tour — the guide will take you to Box 5 (aka the Phantom’s Box) and underground to find the rumored “lake”! Also, TVXQ Tuesdays and 2PM Thursdays makes me SO happy, two of my top 3 second gen groups (the third being suju)!