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Melissa O

Processing. Processing. Processing. It may be stubborn, but I’m more so lol. I’ll keep checking until that thing decides it’s free to escape from the egg 🥴. In the meantime, I haven’t had the time to comment on yesterdays yet. So I’ll do that now. I’m glad you are taking this journey! I you were cracking me up in the first episode (all in good ways promise). I so relate when you said you feel like a proud dad 😂. I say that all the time. Mom or aunt or something. They just have a way of pulling the protective plus just great desire for them to succeed out of all of us. Ni-Ki looks SO much more grown up now (Taki too for that matter). What a difference just a year and a half makes. I know there were other things I was thinking about, but I forget, so I’ll try to remember to comment sooner this time 👍.


I loved this reaction!! I downloaded because I was inpatient!! I’m so happy you decided to watch this. You won’t be disappointed for sure! Btw Taki knew Niki voted for him. Niki told him in the beginning of the episode!!

Melissa O

Ok, so my phone let me download this time, so comment #2 😁. So the youngest is Daniel. It’s easy to forget as time goes on because he’s SO TALL, but I like to keep it in mind as the episodes go along just to realize this is a very young teenager. The next youngest is Ni-Ki and the third youngest is Taki. All three very young, talented teens. They don’t know who voted for them. Taki only knows because Ni-Ki told him he was voting for him and why. Favorite quote of the night (paraphrased) “I’m way over thinking this. I’m INVOLVED”. 🤣. Welcome to I-Land. Second favorite, “Anyone else clapping? I don’t hear any clapping… I’d be concerned if I heard any other clapping.” I’m really glad you are doing these everyday. I don’t know how reactors manage to resist for a week between episodes when all the episodes are already available. This thing is so binge worthy. The show is actually nominated for a South Korean Emmy Award. The “charismatic” one you were about to ask about trying to remember if it was Jake was Sunoo. He was voted to go to the ground. He was the first out of the four votes on this episode. But I agree, Jake also has natural facial expressive abilities. Thanks again and see you tomorrow!


I totally agree Mellissa. Totally bingeable!! I watched this when it first aired early in the pandemic. It was so painful to have to wait a week for the next episode. And then they had a 2 week break because someone on the staff got Covid.