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Hey guys!

I've been looking over the Patreon survey results the past few days. Thank you so much to all who submitted their feedback, it's given me a lot of insight into how to run this page better!

One of the most common requests I found was you guys wanting to know more about Santa Lucia's structure, and by extension a timeline of development. Now, I learned the hard way back during my Morenatsu ~Revisited~ days that having a public roadmap will only set me up for disaster, so instead I'm going to present to you all an overview of how the game is going to play out. As always, everything is subject to change so don't take this as the final word on the matter!

We have just finished the Prologue section of the game and are now moving into Act 1. This portion of the game is structured very similarly to how we have Acts 1 and 2 set up in Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~. In other words, expect a lot of overlapping content and choices, such as where you want to go and who you want to spend time with. You will be gaining affection points with the love interests, which culminates in a final event at the end of the Act where your route is determined.

Starting in Act 2, you will formally be on a love interest's route. Important to note here is there will be large time skips between days, so I'm not planning to write something for each and every day of the month! Choices made in these sequences can accumulate additional affection points, which may lead to bonus scenes with your love interest. Act 2 concludes after a major event on Halloween, raising the stakes of the plotline as we move into the climax.

Act 3 is where the juicy stuff starts happening. Expect your efforts gaining affection points to be rewarded here. The routes will reconvene at a certain point for a little more shared content, then split again as we head towards your love interest's conclusion.

Overall, I anticipate Act 1 to take me most of this year and possibly a bit of next year to complete. I plan to rotate which love interest gets my full attention for a month based on everyone's preferences when we reach Act 2 and 3, Depending on how in depth I want to be with these sections, this could take another 2 to 3 years to complete. I know a big complaint right now is the slow pace the story is moving at, so I may very well decide to speed things up.

Anyway, I hope this gives you guys a little more insight into my plans for Santa Lucia going forward!




Jacek Jagosz

What is your approach to ACT 1, in terms of folowing a specific character we want to date? I had a feeling that in Morenatsu Revisited you you didn't do what you wanted to, but instead at every step followed a desired character. Are you going to let us hang out with everybody and still not miss out on story for a certain character?


If you've played our other project Homecoming, you'll have a good idea of what I'm going to do for this section. There is a core storyline that'll lead you through each of the days, and there will be branches that'll allow you to spend time with the husbandos and possibly even the side characters (Chris, Russell, Zach, Karina, Sam, etc,.). Naturally, you'll be gaining affection points with whoever you spend time with, so that's important to keep in mind. We're most likely going to be using the character select screen we piloted in build 4 for these, so that'll take some of the guesswork out of figuring out which path belongs to who.