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Good morning, guys!

Phew, January has been a jam packed month! We've got a new build in store for all of you, finally bringing the game's prologue section to its conclusion! Starting from September 2 in-game, we're now in the first act of Santa Lucia, so expect plotlines to start developing faster as all the introductions are formally out of the way. We also have another survey at the end we would really appreciate your responses on!

Here's what you can expect in this month's build:
+ Nate's branch at the dance party (Sept. 1st)
+ Have a nice lunch with Karina at the local cafe (Sept. 2nd)
+ A new sprite for a side character in Bryan's route: Diego
+ A new outfit for Karina
+ A new outfit for a surprise character
+ More than a half-dozen additional songs added to the soundtrack
+ By popular request: More dialogue branches and choices!

### IMPORTANT NOTE: Dzahn had to change the way certain variables registered for this build and all future builds. If you have an old save from before the dance party branch on Sept. 1st, we would recommend loading from there so you won't have any errors in the future! We apologize deeply for the inconvenience! ###

We hope you enjoy the build! Thank you so much for supporting Santa Lucia!
~ Dzahn & Dev







7 pm for me, but have a nice day anyway. 👍🏻


Oh man, today's been absolutely horrible, but suddenly it's looking a hell of a lot better. Can't wait to check out the build after I grab some food!