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Heya everyone!

This is a topic that came to mind while working on build 3 last night. There's potential for it to be really long, and I might not have time to get everything I want done in time.

I'm curious to see who you all would prefer me to give priority to if I can't get it all done by the deadline!

It's also a bit of a popularity poll to see who's scoring the best with our readers, hehe...

A-anyway, cheers!



Well I do not mind if you postpone the deadline, if you want to work on finishing all of them. Don't push yourself too hard, take your time and do what you need to do~ You have given us amazing work!! Waiting a while longer so you can spend as much time as you need to get the results you desire, is worth it for me~


I will always appreciate the mysterious, closed-up characters the most, which you have to crack open like a shell. Therefore I voted for Carlos. Assumed his scar is not from when he was a child makes him look even more fascinating and interesting. Nothing wrong with Bryan, although he will have to loose his arrogance or over confidence, if he wants to get to know my MC better.


To start off my vote goes to Bryan hands down. I personally think that all of them are so far well written, it just comes down to preference. I like overly flirty characters, its one of the reasons that Darius from Extracuricular Activities is my favorite. I get similar vibes and I know that with Bryan we will see that deep down he has more going on then he appears. However Nate and Carlos also have stuff going for them that Bryan doesn't. Nate issues with his mother, a bomb waiting to blow up and Carlos family issues another bomb. Cant wait to see what happens. Go at your own pace no need to rush.


I agree that Carlos is the most mysterious but that does mean that at least to me it might take some time for me to really get interested in him. I personally think the most interesting of the three right now is Nate with his Very outgoingness and parental issues that will come up. Bryan I think is the one that has the least to him at the moment but I like his character the most so he wins over the other 2 (for the moment at least). Bryan over confidence is charming and not a real critic of his character at least to me. I think it makes him more likable but his aggressiveness is a aspect I think will be interesting to see dealt with.

Michael Byrd

I voted for Bryan. I feel like he might be a little insecure about actually wanting to succeed in school. I feel Carlos is a fully developed character. His mysterious presence makes me want him more. It's like he plays hard to get while Bryan is the guy you want to show that he can be a decent boyfriend.