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I think the new characters are looking pretty good, have you guys not seen them yet?




I have no idea who this is


Dunno who she is but she’s bad

jo holloway

i know exactly who she is, that's my next fictional ex wife.


I haven’t seen the new characters because I stopped watching after they kicked Vic Mignogna off the cast


I deadass don’t recognize her. Is this an official character they released or is it a hoax? I’m trying to look everywhere and I don’t see any V9 news

David J Moore

Good riddance. I know people who've been to conventions that banned him years before this all finally came out into the open. He is unfortunately actually a creeper.


Nah I was just playin a bit, not an actual character from the series. I was doodling some sketch ideas and figured to try something new like this, more of an OC I suppose.


Yo this is awesome, you should do more with her and other OCs, she's awesome looking!