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Request Poll (Tie Breaker)

  • Blake X Yang 49
  • Blake X Apathy Grimm (Anal/Vaginal versions) 39
  • 2019-06-09
  • —2019-06-10
  • 88 votes
{'title': 'Request Poll (Tie Breaker)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Blake X Yang', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Blake X Apathy Grimm (Anal/Vaginal versions)', 'votes': 39}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 10, 18, 42, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 9, 18, 50, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 88}


There was a tie, so let's poll it again.



God I hope the apathy doesn't win. They're sooooo creepy.


BlakexYang is the worst-


yeah, if it was blake with someone else I would want it more then bumblebee, but apathy is creepy af


...God damn it. People always going "BlakexYang! BlakexYang! BlakexYang!" Shut it, ya bloody twats! It's not even a proper romance! What has Yang done for Blake that warrants her to like her more than a friend?! What has Blake done to Yang that warrants her to like?! Bumblebee?! Yeah, because one simple sting and it pretty much dies! Other than the tiny moment and chemistry of romance between Nora and Ren (maybe Jaune and Pyrrah if I have to), it has been utter trash at showing it! Bumblebee is the byproduct of shitty shipping that fandoms create because all they want is lesbian sex between these two and RT caved into the desires!


Apologies for you having to cautiously agree. I just don't see how it is popular at all.


To everyone that hates bumblbee, I say this. Just get it over with. Necro doesn't seem to repeat polls over stuff he's already done, at least so far since there were no jaune options and love it or hate it, Jaune is the 2nd most popular pairing aside from bumble and maybe white rose. It's inevitable and get it over with. (said from someone who vote apathy before thinking on it more, not a fan of bumble due to it being forced in canon)


The Apathy are way too creepy. I don’t watch RWBY for the romance. I watch it because I enjoy the plot, the setting and the characters. If romance happens between characters, it happens. Therefore, it’s canon. Only thing I’ve seen is Nora and Ren that is canon. I would have given it to Jaune and Pyrrha if things turned out differently. Our girls of Team RWBY could be heterosexual for all we know. Ruby isn’t interested in romance. She’s too busy in focused to be a Huntress. Blake X Yang is getting old. With that being said, Weiss X Yang is love and life 😂😂😂


We all know that Blake belongs with Sun... cmon :D that being said, Yang should be the strong female character that doesn't need anyone (at least that's how I see it) it would fit the character and feminist agenda that every show must push now... :X

Sir M.Bater

You, uh..you all realize this is porn, right? Relax.