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So every time I go up to the Bay Area i get screwed over.  This was the worst one.   I went up to the Bay Area to shoot with a group of 7 girls at sunrise.  On my way up and as I was loading into my friends place at 11pm to crash before getting up at 4am, 3 of them canceled.  Once I got there, 1 of them was 90 mins late to a 2 hour shoot.  It was also freezing so we barely shot anything.  Then, these models that were supposed to shoot with me all day long all called it at breakfast, at 830am.  I had nowhere to be and nothing to do until the next morning, 7 hours from anyone I knew.  I spent the entire day hitting up new people on IG while sitting in my car.  Finally Natalie pulled through, though in the process I drove a wedge between myself and a large community of models up there by "picking sides" in a big conflict happening at the time.  My sunset shoot resultedly canceled on my way to it, the next day, thus making this be one of my two shoots total over a 48 hour weekend with 14 hours of driving to do it.

But, these pics came out awesome!



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