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I've already explained the reasoning, but I'll do so again for people who forgot/didn't see: Due to a shift back towards comic content, as well as a desire to put more time and effort into my individual pieces, the art poll content will be reduced to two pinups going forward- the first and second place winners of this poll. 

I'd love to be able to keep increasing my output, doing my comics alongside the same amount of art poll stuff I've been doing recently, but I only have so much time and energy for art in a month, and some things gotta go to make way for new stuff. 

Gonna try and make one of the pinups "chubby" (overweight, but not huge) and the other one more heavily obese to add some variation.

As you likely have noticed, there are a few girls who will reappear on these polls until they win! I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do when my anime waifu list is complete lmao. After playing Halo Infinite all week, I couldn't not put the Weapon on here lol. 

Vote Away! Poll will close on the 19th!


Edward Paras

We gotta get an obese Taiga


Yessssss Taiga! Best Waifu😁