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Heyo! First of all, I want to thank everyone who responded to my recent art survey! I got a lot of good feedback, both on what I'm doing good (Apparently I'm really good at faces?!), and what I'm needing to improve upon (Arm fat on bigger girls, more variation in poses/scenarios...) 

 I had a lot of suspicions confirmed and ideas reinforced as well, which leads into my next point, some musings on the future of the page going forward. This Patreon, and my art as a whole is an ever-shifting beast, always fine tuned to prevent me from crashing and burning lmao. If I ever have a consistent schedule for more than a couple months it will be a miracle...

Patreon Poll Art: Poll art will be reduced significantly in the coming months. There will be a little less in December (the sequence going from 4 parts to 3, and the pinups going down to two.) and January will see this go further with the sequence going away for now, leaving just two pinups. I've enjoyed the poll art I've done the past few months, but it's been starting to feel a little overwhelming and... mass produced, I guess? 

I'd like to start trying to put more effort into the pinups, start really testing my coloring and lining abilities.  I'd rather focus on two smaller pieces than try casting a wide net with a bunch of average pieces like I've been doing recently. I hope y'all understand! 

Sweets: Sweets has officially set sail, and I'm very optimistic for it's future. I'm working on page two as I type this, and I'm just absolutely brimming with ideas for it. It's a lot more loose of a series than I've done in the past, so I'm more free to jump from idea-to-idea as my mind takes me. 

Donut Delinquent:  With my work on Five Nights With Fatties 2(release still pending) complete, I've really wanted to start devoting more time to Donut Delinquent again- and this is another reason why I'm cutting back on poll content, just to free up my schedule a bit more. I've got a whole bunch of cute Hana art I'm dying to show off, but I don't want to do so until FNWF2 is out. Regardless, I'd like to have another pretty big update on this coming soon, at the very latest Thanksgiving.

Etc: I'd really like to maybe start streaming my art, but I know next-to-nothing about how to do so, so it would be quite the learning curve for me. I also wouldn't mind learning live2d and try to rig up a model of Milo... 

 If you still are, thanks for reading. ^_^ It's been about a year since I shut down my Patreon and started a pretty bad spiral that resulted in me deleting everything around Christmas, and I'm just so happy to see how I am now and what I've managed to rebuild since than. Again, thank you guys so much for your support, it really does mean the world to me. 



And you mean the world to us, Thick! Thanks for sharing your hard work with us all. I'm certain I speak for everyone when I say that we're grateful for your art.


Hey buddy, it's all good, taking time for yourself to improve and work on things is always good and necessary, so don't worry yourself too much about it. It is kind of sad to see the sequences go away, but if it will help you and it means seeing more of my wife Hana, then I'm all on board!