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"The uh... The plugsuits at least still fit comfortably, right?" Shinji said awkwardly, trying to make conversation. 

"The material they are made with is indeed incredibly elastic." Rei said, as deadpan as ever. 

Shinji was in complete awe at Rei's weight gain. In less than two months, the girl had to have put on nearly 60 pounds. She was almost never seen without some kind of snack in her hand, her mouth always covered in crumbs... 

Her breasts were immense, round mounds that bounced steadily with every step- nay, waddle she took. Below them was a plump, always-stuffed potbelly that was slowly beginning to fold over itself and droop onto her lap. Her hips were nearly twice as wide as they had been before she started gaining, framing an immense, ever jiggling rear that sat upon thick, doughy thighs.

Shinji silently began to wonder just how much the plugsuit could hold before tearing... but before he could make another comment, Asuka burst in through the door...


Sincere apologies for how late this has been! Time has not been kind to me with how chaotic things have been, I'll say I'll sit down to draw some stuff and suddenly a week will have passed... I'm hoping to have things back on track now, and will unfortunately just consider the last week to be a lost one on this. This fortunately still gives me plenty of room to finish this in October, with the last piece coming on Halloween! 

Expect Asuka's second part tomorrow, Enjoy!




Take as much time as you need, Thicker! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we understand you prioritizing taking care of yourself and your affairs irl over your Patreon. Amazing art as usual, though!

Starlight Blaze

Yea its fine and nice job with her