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"Bitch makes me start getting fat just by being around her orbit, then she hoards two whole cakes for herself on top of her fat tits?"

The end of the Stocking sequence! I'm happy to say this is by far the fattest girl I've ever drawn, my first ever "blob." 

I'm not entirely happy with it, I've got some anatomy I still need to figure out with sizes this big, but overall I'm fairly pleased. That said, don't expect this kind of thing very often. I like super fat stuff like this on a blue moon, but you guys know I tend more towards "chubby" girls, like you see with the vast majority of my stuff. As such, next month's (two!) sequences will definitely be more small-scale. 

Enjoy! I really hope you enjoyed September's art content. I drew all of it at the tail end of August while trying to prepare for my move, and despite the rush I'm really, really pleased with how it all turned out! 

Hope you look forward to October's content! *Cruel Angel's Thesis starts playing*




Amazing work as per usual! By the way, I especially love how you so fat faces! Stocking's in the third pic is one of my most favorite ones I've ever had the pleasure of seeing!


Hohoho fuck yeah that's an excellent Stocking. And I'm glad you got to chunk up Panty as well.


I'd say it looks very good for your first ever "blob" drawing. Now she looks so big she doesn't need a table, she can just balance it on her tits.


I say for your first blob she turned out well


Love it, you killed it on this!