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Hello everyone! I think since we are coming up to the end of the month that I can announce that I will be streaming once again! The debut will be some time in December (I will reveal the name and links when I have the official debut day). 

MamaYunya unfortunately got hit by a bus and instead of going to heaven, she got summoned to hell and reincarnated as a devil for her horrific online hoebag sins...

So I shall be focusing on streaming in 2024, but fret not for those who only enjoy the audios because I have recorded a year in advance of lewd and wholesome videos so nothing will change and it will be like I am still here and did not get hit by a bus, however I am getting a bit depresso expresso moaning into a microphone so hopefully doing something different will be a nice change! it has always been a big goal of mine to become a strimmer so I have lots of...unique stream ideas planned so hopefully I don't break my neck xddddd 

In short: I become strimmer, audios as normal next year as they are all scheduled, but i will probably die in hole if I have to moan for another 5 years of my life thank you and have wonderful Monday on the ol' grind!




A whole year in advance? Your vocal chords must be made of steel lol Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your streaming and that it makes you happy, we all need a change of pace once in a while, don't we? I don't really have time to watch a lot of Twitch anymore, but if I can I will certainly drop by when you start again :)


I've been a long time lurker but I just wanted to say I fully support your decision stream! Do whatever makes you happiest in life and I'll always be a supporter!


Omg I was hoping you’d get back in to streaming!! ❤️

Kurt Mueller

Hope you're healthy and happy in your new role <3