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On vacation in the mountains, you and a mean mutual friend get separated from your group during a blizzard. You both stumble into a secluded cabin and have to strip down and find cover to keep warm, but you only brought one sleeping bag… You end up sharing it, and some forced closeness leads to a heartfelt conversation that thaws the ice between you two, giving way to cuddles, kissing, and maybe even the blossom of a new relationship.

Script: u/PrinceInYellow 

Art: Jafarero 




Ah this script, I've heard it a couple of times it's a good one, can't wait to listen to your version when I get home from work

Camilo Iribarren

Gives a whole new meaning to “melting her heart”


One of my favorite audios you've done!


This one was so freaking cute


I've never experienced snow before, but I've been told it's pretty fun!...riiight up to the point you're reminded that it's just reaally cold water, 🥶 This was a grand audio, thank ye for the warm snuggles Yunya, Prince and damnit Jafarero, my neurons can only get so actived, 👀


Yay, loved this version Yunya. Great job, and have an awesome December

Tyler Ferguson

Great work as always, Yunya !!!!!

