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Hello my bois, I'm sorry but it's another month of butchering your names. Will be a while until I have a 100 percent A plus SCORE! Also reminder you can change your Patreon name to anything (you naughties have too many of your legal names on here HUH *spank spank*) you could be Ben Dover, Mike Hunt, Hugh Jass... but no you choose your IRL names *spank* internet safety *spank*

Also once again- Patreon names are fuckywucky and it's so hard to get a basic list up SO, if I missed your name and you were a Patron on this tier last month just comment below and I'll send your name over!

Have a wonderful weekend! SAY HI TO THE SUN, but wear sunscreen and a hat or as your mommy, I will not be very HAPPY! 



Hey yunya, I didn’t hear my name for this month


Brooo she said my last name with utter importance, goodd damn. Thank you bruv. Keep up this shit