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You have been listening to porn extra loud recently, and your neighbor is fully fed up with it. So she comes over to offer you a deal in exchange for you turning the volume down

Script: Remix18



It should have been me not him it's not fair 🥺🥺


Oeps my bad, apologies

Camilo Iribarren

Welp… I’ll try to be a little louder next time


I lived in an apartment complex where the walls didn't stop the sound much. I could hear two women talking next door when I ... you know. And that was before I had headphones. Eventually they became very loud and seemed to be amused. Later me and one of them met at the door and she smiled at me when saying hello. Good times.

Mighty Ducky

Homie, if the porn is THAT loud the neighbor can hear it... sheesh!!


Who would have thought that I would learn something useful from porn. Hu strange times.


“…Fake screams that sound like f***ing howler monkeys getting pegged…” I am CRYING in laughter right now😭


Wow that was really good 💜💜💜 thanks Mama 🥰

Tyler Ferguson

Great work as always, Yunya !!!!!