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Got an idea for a video game challenge that could feature in Rules Boss? Let us know in the comments below!

Suggestions should ideally be something that can be attempted from a fresh save, or very early in the game. Challenges that can only be attempted several hours into a game's campaign are much harder for us to set up, as we may not have access to a save file with the relevant progress.

All games are welcome but even better if they have been released recently!



Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I can see why you're soliciting, this is genuinely quite difficult to come up with. Best I can do is: Play Robocop the game whilst wearing a VR visor watching Robocop the movie, but having never owned a VR kit, I'm not sure as to its practicality.


failing this, I'd be down to watch videos of you guys trying to pop super rare achievements/trophies within the normal video timeframe