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Hello, Friends of the Great Walrus!

We're all set to record the next episode of our AfterDark podcast but would love some more questions from you lovely lot. Please read the following guidelines before submitting:

- This is NOT a video game podcast so please keep the questions NOT video-game-related

- Try to avoid topics we've covered before

- "Questions on a postcard" (don't make your question too long!)

- We typically record on Thursday morning, so try to get your questions in before then

- If your question isn't answered, don't despair! All unanswered questions are kept in the hat so they could appear at any time! In short, you don't need to ask it again :)

Thanks all! We look forward to reading through your offerings, and we can't overstate how much we appreciate your support on Patreon and elsewhere <3



Apologies to Ashton, but this question mainly relates to Ben & Peter. Since Ben & Peter started creating content on YouTube together, they have been taking a lot of inspiration from Hat Films for there non video game playing content. Starting with using a Walrus as a mascot, recreating video games in real life, attempting to cook various foods and extravagant outdoor video shoots for no apparent reason. What Hat Films content will be next on the list for inspiration? Calendars (only just safe for work), co-presenter birthday videos with their favourite foods enhanced with mayonnaise, behind the scenes blogs, trivia quizzes between presenters, etc


Hello friends. As fellow non Geordies that moved to Newcastle later in life what is 1) something you love about living up here , 2)something you dislike about living here, and 3) something you found difficult when you first moved here? For me it's 1) been close to the coast and countryside. 2)how long it takes to get anywhere else in the country and 3)the accent/language All the best.

omar zambon

hi BAP. now After Dark is in it's 50's how about we all have a mid-life crisis and spend a fortune. i know this isn't a question but Names is for tombstones, baby! Y'all take this honky out and waste him! Now! (a little quote there from Live and Let Die.) cheers and keep up the excellent work.


What caresses do you enjoy receiving most?


I've just come home from 4 days of camping and I got absolutely bit to fuck by insects. What animals would you ban and why?

Mah Leahy

Heya B.A.P., If any species were to become a furry version of themselves, which one would you prefer it to happen to?


Hey BAP, Can you keep houseplants alive? Are you good plant mums? Xx TiredAuthorDan

Cameron Keywood

Hey BAP, what's your favourite GIF 's Mine are 1. crash bandicoot sad dance 2. Ben potter vidiots

Blake Thomas

BAPadoo. The three of you have wonderful onscreen energy and chemistry. Have you ever given thought to some kind of TripleJump event in the flesh or perhaps any convention visits?

Hannah O’Neill

Hey Bap Shag , marry , kill Florence Pugh David Attenborough Geoff keighley Thought I’d be a bit different Love ya Hannah

Alison the Human

Cowabunga BAPses! Have you ever shopped online whilst being really drunk/high, only to regret (or be utterly confused by) your purchase the next day? If so, what did you buy? Keeess!

Douglas York

BAPs, rolls, all of the bakery. What's the worst thing you've done out of revenge, justified or not? Alternatively, what's the worst thing someone did to you out of revenge?