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Hello, Friends of the Great Walrus!

On Wednesday August 2nd at 3pm BST we will be live on twitch.tv/teamtriplejump for a LIVE episode of After Dark.

The episode will be available to view to ONLY Patrons once it has been streamed if you cannot join us live on Wednesday. 

So if you have any BIG questions you want answered then make sure to post them on this post! 

Please read the following guidelines before submitting:

- This is NOT a video game podcast so please keep the questions NOT video-game-related

- Try to avoid topics we've covered before

- "Questions on a postcard" (don't make your question too long!)

- If your question isn't answered, don't despair! All unanswered questions are kept in the hat so they could appear at any time! In short, you don't need to ask it again :)

Thanks all! We look forward to reading through your offerings, and we can't overstate how much we appreciate your support on Patreon and elsewhere <3


Like a Glove

My last sexy question about the sheep was (quite rightly) berated by all 3 of you for being an easy Choice... So I'm doubling down with a more difficult one because it's the sexy podcast: Which do you pick: Shrek sized Donkey (with Eddie Murphy doing a Shrek impression..) or Donkey sized Shrek (with Mike Myers doing an arguably problematic Donkey impression). This is important to me. Kees kees


I like a bit of the ol' death metal whilst my partner certainly does not, and so in the car we always end up listening to bloody radio 2. What compromises/precedents do you regret having made with people in your lives?

Mah Leahy

Heya B.A.P., What's the worst romantic / dating advice you ever received?

Steven Scodes

Hi BAP ! If you could swap places with any of your colleagues and live their life for 24 hours, who would it be and why? Be well, stay groovy, and remember to smile.

omar zambon

hi BAP. this is the biggest question of them all. what film from your childhood would you remake and why? cheers and keep up the excellent work.

Chris Law

Ahoy hoy, I'm a fan of the behind the scenes stuff. What's the typical/day look like at Triple Jump Towers? Long days, pleasant nights. CLaw


Hey BAP a big question for a big event… if you could know the time and date of your death nah just kidding. Studies show that expressing gratitude consistently improves mental health. So what are you grateful for? Anything, from small gestures from friends to those little things on the ends of shoelaces. Congrats on the big 50, David


It's Youtube boxing season - name one Youtuber you'd fight (non-office folk) and why...


Hi there. Do you prefer people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Brutal honesty or a white lie? Which is better for you to receive? Shooting straight is important to be a good communicator but some people prefer the softer touch.


Hey PAB, Looking back at your time at triple jump, when did you realize you had one of the best jobs in the world? What’s the funniest thing that’s happened in the office? Did you think the channel would initially sink or swim? what goals have you achieved that you never thought you’d ever reach when you first started this venture? And finally, if you didn’t have the opportunity to be at Triple Jump, what do you see yourself doing in an alternate timeline? Congrats on the big 50 for After Dark and here’s to another 50 and beyond! Ya boi, Nexy P

Cameron Keywood

Hey BAP The Mari Lwyd is a old welsh tradition in which a horse skull is draped in bells, coloured ribbons and a tablecloth. The Mari Lwyd would be taken from house to house asking to gain entry to houses via song explaining why they needed to enter and the occupant of the house would sing why they can't be let in. This would go back and forth until the occupant didn't have any more reasons to not let them in. When inside, they would drink all the ale and raid the pantry. TL DR - You rap battle a horse skeleton to keep your alcohol and food from them in an old welsh tradition What weird traditions you have heard of do you want to return ?? Cameron J Keywood

Adi Pramana

What are some of your most heinous culinary war crimes?


What is the best snack to eat whilst having a few drinkies?

Chris Law

Hey ABP, I'm an Anglophile and you're the only English people who respond to me. I just watched a YouTube cooking show with Prince William. It made me want to ask... How is the Royal family precieved? Both princess married American women, King Charles was Prince forever. Queen Elizabeth was looked at as an icon across the pond. I know what America thinks of the Royal family (they're very popular in American print media). But what's it like over there? My apologies for the long question; keep up the great work Feeling self conscious, CLaw