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Hello Friends!

We're all set to record another podcast but would love some more questions from you lovely lot.  This is for the TripleJump Podcast! Remember, as our esteemed financial supporters, we'll be exclusively coming to you for weekly discussion topics, so please read the following guidelines before submitting:

- No controversial or naughty questions please

- This is a video game podcast about video games so please keep the questions video-game-related

- Going forwards, we'd love it if you can base your questions on any video game news that drops in the week. It doesn't just have to be big serious stories though, so ask us about anything you find on the web. While we will still answer non-news questions from time to time, we're hoping that with a different focus we can avoid repetition.

- If there's a particular event or happening in the industry that you'd like us to discuss in detail, feel free! We like to address one 'big question' per week to headline each show, and pepper in smaller questions throughout

- Try to avoid topics we've covered before

- "Questions on a postcard" (don't make your question too long!)

- We typically record on Thursday morning, so try to get your questions in by Wednesday afternoon!

Thanks all! We look forward to reading through your offerings, and we can't overstate how much we appreciate your support on Patreon and elsewhere!

love ya <3




Hello Bossaroos! Final Fantasy XVI launched this week and despite some divisive discourse online regarding the cinematic nature of the game, everyone appears to be united on one fabulous mechanic. "Active time lore" allows players to pause the game at any time, and view a compendium of important information about characters, kingdoms, factions, relationships and pivotal events, and is specifically tailored to the cutscene that's been paused to provide the relevant information for that moment, and is a brilliant tool to help players wrap their heads around what is a pretty complex world Square have created. Is this a feature that you think will catch on going forward, and what games from the past could have implemented something like this to benefit you personally? Much love to you all

Blake Thomas

BAPadoodles! I see several questions about the Microsoft/Activision circus, so I figured I’d flavor up the questions just a bit with a Sony question. We are a ways into Sony’s PS Plus overhaul and how do you feel about it overall? I personally wish they’d care even a little about bringing in Classic titles from PS1 and PS2 that have been available on the PS3 and Vita in the past. With such a weak, barely-growing Classics section, do you go for “Plus”, “Extra”, or “Premium”? If they followed suit with a price increase like Microsoft announced, how would you feel about that?

Blake Thomas

Just a note, since my question was getting long: Strangely, I did notice that games like the Uncharted trilogy that received PS4 enhancements are now categorized under “Classics”


Hey BAP! sandbox games are getting bigger in scope and scale with every new release. Do you think GTA6’s map will pale in comparison to Starfield’s “1000 planets/ 10 year story” or will there be enough content/map to keep people playing the game for 10+ years like GTAV already has?


Here’s a weirdest news for you - https://kotaku.com/mcdonalds-grimace-birthday-milkshake-anime-zelda-dbz-1850587315