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Hello Friends!

We're all set to record another podcast but would love some more questions from you lovely lot.  This is for the TripleJump Podcast! Remember, as our esteemed financial supporters, we'll be exclusively coming to you for weekly discussion topics, so please read the following guidelines before submitting:

- No controversial or naughty questions please

- This is a video game podcast about video games so please keep the questions video-game-related

- If there's a particular event or happening in the industry that you'd like us to discuss in detail, feel free! We like to address one 'big question' per week to headline each show, and pepper in smaller questions throughout

- Try to avoid topics we've covered before

- "Questions on a postcard" (don't make your question too long!)

- We typically record on Thursday morning, so try to get your questions in by Wednesday evening!

Thanks all! We look forward to reading through your offerings, and we can't overstate how much we appreciate your support on Patreon and elsewhere!

love ya <3




Hey BAP, Is there any game or gaming thing that surprised the heck out of you in how successful or unscuccessful it was? For example when Doom 2016 came out I said there's no way this can be successful, no one just wants to mindlessly shoot things with no real objectives any more, that game formular is a relic and I can't believe people think it's going to work... So when it and it's sequel were one of the games of the year as well as some of the best first person games I've played I looked pretty silly.


Oi BAP! With Resi 4 being such an amazing update to a beloved classic, which game do you think Capcom will remake next? Code Veronica, Resi 5, or do you think they’ll redo 0 and 1 in the current over the shoulder style. I personally think the remake of RE 1 is already perfect but I could see people getting behind…the behind the shoulder updates instead of tank controls. Itchy tasty kees keeses, Nexy P