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Hello Friends!

We're all set to record another podcast but would love some more questions from you lovely lot.  This is for the TripleJump Podcast! Remember, as our esteemed financial supporters, we'll be exclusively coming to you for weekly discussion topics, so please read the following guidelines before submitting:

- No controversial or naughty questions please

- This is a video game podcast about video games so please keep the questions video-game-related

- If there's a particular event or happening in the industry that you'd like us to discuss in detail, feel free! We like to address one 'big question' per week to headline each show, and pepper in smaller questions throughout

- Try to avoid topics we've covered before

- "Questions on a postcard" (don't make your question too long!)

- We typically record on Thursday morning, so try to get your questions in by Wednesday evening!

Thanks all! We look forward to reading through your offerings, and we can't overstate how much we appreciate your support on Patreon and elsewhere!

love ya <3



Jonathan Lane

Happy New Year! As someone who is on the larger side, I found myself really enjoying the fact that Thor is big in GOW: Ragnarok. It actually helped my self-image to see a badass character who looks like me. Has there ever been a video game character or scenario that hit close to home for you or that you felt closely identified with?


Hello yinz from Pittsburgh PA New Patron here, long time fan. Is there a gaming genre name you dislike? For instance I hate the term MMORPG because it’s a mouthful and “shmup” because it sounds like something that needs an antibiotic. If your New Year’s resolution is to be more positive, is there a genre name you like? Personally, Metroidvania always makes me smile. Thanks, and keep on BAP’ing.