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Cold water in the back at Fridays...

About work...

I finished all code for NL 1.7 aside a pair of hentai scenes, but I need to put sounds and music and finish a few new things here and there. When I'll finish this, I'll need various days to add the translation and will be done.

Aside to that, I finished the ME comic, and I worked in another picture.

Also, I did some rough pencil for the QC.

Ursula will have some help in her studies.

The picture...

The movie is Never Too Young To Die, and the actress was here in a few posts more, Vanity.

This will be the classic description, I didn't see the movie, I don't even know what is the movie about and the only thing I know is this (and others) wonderful frame that I hope you like.

Aside work...

I'm still having the same routine, gym, read and play some video games aside of work...

Lately I spent some time to watch some shows, yesterday I finished a good one.

But I don't wanna boring you with that or another thing, maybe in the future.

For now, let me show you the new game I'm playing (I had it in my library when I played the Ichiban one).

Yes, the Yakuza zero, looks promising, so I hope I'd have a nice time with it.

The song...

I'll use something random this time, just a song I like, and I hope you like it too if you didn't know it.

HOME - Head First -

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and your patience.

Take care and keep safe.




Clearly Ursula is just going to study with a tutor in a library, nothing suspicious there.


Let's hope Ursula is a good student. I shudder to think about what would happen if she wasn't...