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Yes? no?... yes, it's Friday....

About work...

I finished one of the comic pages commission and the picture of the Lichenvale game. Also I uploaded the video fo the month and finally I could go to buy more ink for my printer, so next week I'll send the mailbox reward, my apologies.

I couldn't write so much about Rachel story.

I'm finishng another two comic pages from another commissions and I need to finish the pencil of two more pages about another one.

I explained why I'm working slow ( at least I have that feeling) on discord.

A proof of work here:

The picture...

The movie is Blood Games from the 90's and the girl is the amazing Jullie Hall. Yes, I didn't watch it, but I think the movie is the classic slashers, but I don't know.

Aside work...

A semi-stressed week, the first half I had a little bit of it, but now looks like I'll could have some days to focus on the work.

I'm reading about David Hume in my Philosophy book, I think now I'm reading a better part of the book, entering in the Illustration time.

In the gym I can keep in the ellipctical for 25 minutes, I'm glad enough with it.

I didn't play anything aside CS:GO, but this time I'll use an old (and stupid) picture about it.

And I think that is all...

The song...

Let's keep in the Night Lessons mood...

W O L F C L U B - Summer Lights - 

I'll back to work!

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and patience!

Take care and keep safe.




I always love your Friday posts, they are usually positive and I love that you end posts with different beautiful songs...Stay cool!


Ah the gym, I use to hit up Planet Fitness every weekday for an hour. But now, I find I can save money, get sun, and exercise just by walking around town. A couple hours, and my tracker says I roughly average 6-10 miles a day in a couple hours. I highly recommend it.


That is a lot of time for me and this is a small village. But thanks for the tip, maybe I'll do it in the future!