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Time to ride, or roll, or... I don't know man...

About work...

Well, I did some progress in the commission and in the Rachel story, but not as much as I want. I finished one commission about a famous magician, I finished the base color of another 2 comic pages Fallout and Wow related and I'm trying to finish the pencil of the same commission of last week -_-¿

Rachel story is finally clear ( I re-wrote some little things) and I'm more or less happy with the result, even if I'm not sure if will be enough story, but I need to move on, when I'll finish all three girls stories I'll ask some people about it and maybe I'll add some changes.

(Probably I'm not explaining myself well here, but I hope you can understand my broken English.)

The no-hentai picture commission is in the base color process too.

The picture...

From the movie... let me check... The Roller Blade Seven (1991) I think you can see how good is this movie just with that frame... but, what do you think about the frame? yeah, it's a good frame!

I read a little bit about this movie, and if I understood that well, they acted in the movie without a clear script... anyway...

Aside work...

This week I spent some time with a personal issue I have, I talked about it in Discord. Everything it's fine, is just something that make me feel stressful and make the work slower.

This week I didn't read so much, but enough to know about "The Prince" by Maquiavelo, and from "Ethic" (I don't know if that should be the English name" by Baruch Spinoza.

I played some CS:GO and I lost like the noob am I, but I have no screencap!

So, the picture of this week will be for a game I have in my wishlist:

Sea of Stars! It looks nice, right?

The song...

Something to cheer up ourselves...

DJ Ten - Glow (feat. LeBrock & Ultraboss) 

I'm going to upload one of teh commissions finished!

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and patience!

Take care and keep safe.




I need to watch that movie XD


Just putting this out there, in case you ever get that itch, I'm always down to finish that Fallout comic with ya.


We should talk about that, yes... But I'll finish another things first, thanks as usual Joseph ;)