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Yeah, Friday cream! Yeaaaah!

About work...

I made the pencil of the bonus picture, the color base of the mailbox reward, i finished the color base of two comic pages from the commissions and the pencil of two comic pages more, one of them is just the first page, but I need to make some little changes.

Aside that, I finish the most part of the Rachel story, now I have clear what to tell about her and how, but I'm working in little things like expressions and some coherence of the text.

One of the commissions is particulary fun, because I have no the chance to work in pictures like this everyday!

The picture...

Some girls from the movie Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama(1988) I didn't watch it, but as I do as usual the frame looked nice enough to be here, don't you think?

Aside work...

This week I couldn't play Pathfinder...

 At morning I went to the gym the most part of the days (now I can keep at least 20 minutes in the damn elliptical) but I finished red as hell and sweatting like a pig...

The rest of the day I wrote and draw as much as I can , also I read a little bit more of the Philosophy book, now I'm reading about the Renaissance Philosophy, a little bit more optimistic than the Medieval one...

I played some CS:GO , so the picture of this week will be that.

Some times you only can levitate to avoid the bullets...

The song...

Related with the CS:GO screencap.

Pilot - It's Magic -

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and patience!

Take care and keep safe.




How's the philosophy book so far?


For now it's sad but interesting, I think I'll have a lot of books to read when I'll finish it.


I can only imagine Medieval Philosophy would go something along the lines of "Life sucks, live it up while you can, before you die from some horrible disease or get impaled on an invaders pike"


XD yes, something like that, the discussion was "How to be happy in another life?, because in this one we can't". Renaissence starts saying "Well, maybe we could be a happy here no?" It's a interesting thing to read in my personal opinion.