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She likes Fridays...

About work...

I wrote a little bit more about Rachel story (I want to make this one first because looks like the worst one for the most part of you), but I wrote another things for Ada and Ursula.

I have some commissions and I finish the color base of one comic page and I was working in the pencils of other ones.

I did an account in F95zone, I didn't expect people like the game, but the best part is some people who told about some parts of the games they don't like. I think that is good because I can think better in how to add things or how to let the player the option to avoid some things (like the minigames)

Here a detail pencil from one of the commissions, do you remember her?:

The picture...

The amazing Alexandra Paul in Dragnet (1987). I don't remember this movie so well, but I think was funny back in the day... but who cares? Today it's Friday and we only cares about a good frame, and this one it's good enough.

Aside work...

This week I didn't progress as much as I want, not writting and not with the commissions, but well, shit happens, no?

The book I bought it's very good, now I'm reading about the Medieval Philosophy (Agustin, Anselmo and Tomas de Aquino...) I'm not particular interested in this part, but I recognize is more fun than I thought...

But no as much fun as the Pathfinder Kingmaker! I remember when I had the chance to play Baldurs Gate Shadow of Amn... this have something near to that, but diferent, I don't know... I like it, at least for now!

Oh! And I back to the gym (we will see for how long...) I hate it, I hate it with all my heart!

I think that is all for now...

The song...

A song I use to go to the gym to get tired with 10 minutes of exercise...

Turbo Knight - Rasengan 

Probably I shared this before, my apologies if that's the case.

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and patience!

Take care and keep safe.



Abraham McNeil

Dragnet is an amazing movie and I won't hear anything different.


Oh, the gym ... well, I think this is a good step for you forward towards a healthy lifestyle))


Dan Aykroyd nailed the Jack Webb walk & talk; Capt. Bill Gannon being as cranky as Col. Potter was a bonus.


We will see if I can keep that enough time to get a healthy lifestyle, but thank you so much for your comment :D