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Borderline                     - 39 points

Fantasy Secrets         -  24 points

Strange therapy         - 23 points

Nimery lost chapter -11 points

Time pleasure              -   4 points

I'll try to make this on unity, I start with the tutorials next week.

I'll make polls for that really soon, because I have some pencil semi finished yet.

Probably the game needs some time, because its the first unity game, if the thing start to delay I have a plan for make something I know you liek, so dont worry and give me (one more time) your trust.

The polls for that would be about girls and monster (the enemies and the adventures you need to defend the borderline)

The style would be more realistic, I don't explain so much about this, because is better we will talk about that when I'll upload something.

Let me know if you have some doubts or questions.

Hope you will have fun in the process with this game :)

I'll try to change the banner of patreon tonight.

Thank you very much for your awesome support, its nice to know some people supporting this kind of things, because without you, this will never be possible, thanks!




I would have loved to see more of Nimery but I'm ok with this, take your time, I'm looking forward to see more of it :)


Personally I would've liked to see the therapy one since it seemed to have more ladies to pick from, but this might have more gameplay in the end so just keep up the great work and I hope to see this game in the future. :)


Borderline was my second choice anyway :P




Whelp, the people hath spoken. My vote was for Fantasy Secrets, but I will go the way the wind blows.


You are fucked, jokes aside good luck with unity. (Actually you are pretty fucked)