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It's Friday.. and she knows it...

About work...

This week I finished two pages of the current quaterly comic, a picture commission and the first pencil of a comic page about Eloise. 

I inked two pages more of the QC and there are only 2 more left.

 Also, I finished to do the base pictures for another Night Lessons girl and  I was watching some tutorials for another idea I have.

Detail of the pencil page:

The picture...

Meg Ryan, from the movie "When Harry Met Sally..." , guess what? yes, I didn't watch the movie. I think is a romantic comedy or something like that, I don't know, I'm only know that scene...

Aside work...

English classes are not very good for now, Lucky me, my girlfriend is teaching me about pronunciation with a lot of patience and some songs.

Only CS:GO in the videogames time, but there are a lot of sales in steam, so probably I'll use some money for take another game. (I know I should finish the ones I have already -_-¿)

I'm finishing the book I'm reading and I have no idea what I'll read next, maybe I should re-read Nonviolent communication,  but I'm thinking in buy Level up! by Scott Rogers, I don't know, I'll think about it.

Today I post a picture of my last achivements on CS:GO, because I forgot to take a screenshot and I'm so lazy to take one now.

I should stop playing this thing...

The song...

Back in the day, when I played some roleplaying games with some friends, I usually was a DM of a game based in find and kill demons in modern cities. I usually played this song for the moments previous to action, when they discovered who was the demon and they prepare to kill it.

Anyway, I like the song...

Dido - Here with me - 

I hope you like it!

Take care and keep safe.

Thank you as usual for your patience and support!




I only know that scene too, but what's more interesting is the chef who attempted to recreate the food she ate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFeDKLt4P-Y&ab_channel=BabishCulinaryUniverse