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Those people didn't know today it's friday...

About work...

I finished more pencil pages of the quaterly comic, after this post I'll upload another one. I finisehd all pictures for the new update of NL , I only need to finish the expressions for the new characters and make work more in the text.  I did a few things more for NL, but I'll talk about it in the future, nothing important, just a few things to add to the game. Don't worry, tha game will be in the same way as I said, short stories about diferent girls.

The picture...

A frame from Wheels of Fire, a Mad Max explotation movie. I didn't watch the movie, but some frames yI found looks so good.

Aside work...

A few hours ago I had my first shot of the vaccine, now in more or less a month I'll have the second one and will be done.

Aside that, I started to play CS again, man, I'm bad as hell and I'm feeling bad for those poor people who join with me in the team -_-¿ Probably I'll stop playing soon.

And I have something more to say...

Some guy here https://indiegamestop.itch.io/ is selling the games we have here for free.

I sent a report a week ago ( as soon one of you told me about this in a message, thank you so much gentleman!) but I have no reply, so yesterday I sent another report, so , if you have time and you can report that would be nice, if not, it's ok, I'm sure they will remove those soon.

The song...

I heard this looking for some music for the game and I remember about a gentleman who are always uploading educational content for all of us. 

-Сукины Сыны ($ons Of Bitсhе$) - Бессонница (Insomnia)- 

I hope you like it!

Take care and keep safe.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!




Congrats on your first dose of the vaccine!


Wait, what? Somebody is selling you your game without your permission??


Yep, The funny thing is the games are here for free, it's a nosense, I reported the thing already.