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Aliens like red bikinis...

About work...

This week I finished the comic commission, I'll uploaded at soon the commissioner give me the green light. Aside that I finished the ink adn base color of the first picture of five of the other commission. Also, I did some drafts for the new scenes of the game now we know Ada will be the the choosen one.

Finally, I did the draft for the new quaterly comic, I'll upload it soon, but you can check it in the spoiler channel on discord.

The picture...

A frame from Without Warning, a 1980 movie about an alien invasion, well... if you can say that is an invasion... I didn't watch the movie ( as usual) but I watch a review on youtube and I think was funny.

Aside work...

My Screen stop working well a few weeks ago, I though was a problem about the wire but seems like not, so I stop using it because turned black screen each 20 seconds.

Aside that, I'm enjoying so much the book I'm reading and the game I'm trying to finish, but I feel a little bit of stress, I think it's because I need to do some exercise and I had nightmares all week, anyway, I'm good enough !

Look how beauty it's this game!

The song...

Nightmares can ruin your day if you let them, listen music sometimes help me, I hope helps you too...

Black - Wonderful Life 

That is all for now.

I hope you like it!

Take care and keep safe.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!




The picture reminds me of an old Creepshow 2 episode called The Raft.