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I just wanna talk a little bit about the new project here in a post, because I want to clarify how I see the project, feel free to share your opinion or questions here or sending me an e-mail.

The main story of the project is about the player, who starts to study at night to finish the basic education. We don't explain why he is doing that and the past of the MC is a mistery, we only know he have no money problems and his parents died.

We will start the game meeting Ursula, a classmate who loves music, but my idea is add more girls in the future, so, the game will let you choose what girl do you wanna meet at the start (it will be not necessary starts with Ursula)

To know what girl I'll add I'll make polls between characters I'll propose, but we could talk about how would you like the character will be when the time comes.

The gameplay of the game will be only choose between options( Choose what to say or ask to the girl and things like that.) and that options will finish in a "love" end or "lust" end , with a hentai picture related in each one.

At some parts of the story, the MC will needs to walk between places to unlock some information, (I'll make this easy , nothing like in the previous games) in that walks, you could find another information, probably I'll try to make references to 80's movies here.

The stories of the girls would be something simple, don't expect something amazing.

Each storie will have a antagonist, in the Ursula's case will be a teacher. In the future, the stories could be more complex or maybe we could make some parts with more pictures of some particular girl if you want.

All of this is just an idea, if you won't like the demo, I'll have no problem in focus to another thing, in fact, I have other ideas too, but I think this could be simple and funny, but, What do I know? I'm just a simple guy, you know it.

I think that is all, as I said, this is nothing write in stone, so don't worry if you see something you don't like , and let me know what do you think if you have a minute. 

Take care and keep safe.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!




Sounds like a good departure from your usual Lovecraftian plots, looking forward to it.

Abraham McNeil

Is this a game you're doing or a game you're providing the art for? Either way I am in, but just curious which it is.


I think this is a good step away from the usual genres you cover. Even if only for a time. Gives us something new and different, and you a fresh perspective.


I think could be fun do something like this, but before take it so serious I want you see the demo, I hope will be ready soon. When I'll release the demo, we could talk here with a poll what to do. I really apreciatte the time you spent to leave a comment, for me it's good to know if I'm going in a decent direction, thanks!