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The comic will be between 6 or 9 pages, full color and I have more or less 3 months to finish it.

If you wanna share your idea in the comments could be nice, ut I'll reserve the last word about it.

If a free choice wins, we will do another poll with the options in the comments.

I think that is all.

Keep safe and take care.

Thanks as usual for your patience and support!



I'd think it be interesting to continue the 80's theme picking up where we left off with Eloise in the arcade. With here waking up outside the arcade more disheveled after her last encounter, looking for a fresh set of clothes. She stumbles into a clothing store only for the clothing change into a debauched parody of itself and some of the customers and clerks begin to join in a carnal celebration, as Eloise is once again pulled into another bacchanalia of flesh and pleasure, with her giving a bit more of herself over to self-indulgent pleasure.


Grace 80's style at work while doing a little "break"