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I don't like show much about the game (is like a spoiler, right?) ...

But today I was testing picarto.tv/nikraria, I think is so nice for sometimes.

People who was there was so kindly ^^ and this was the picture I painted on cam.

What do you think about that? Do you wanna make more pictures there?

In afirmative case, do you prefer I make some post to tell you when I'll open picarto?

Anyway, hope you like the picture, this is one of the bad finals of Delirium (one picture of 2 with some variations)

I don't like, but probably the I need until december to upload the new version :S

My apologizes for need so much time for this.

Well, as usual, thank youv ery much for yourpatience and your support!




Yeah if you get time to do more it would be cool to see them and helpful to get an advance. I enjoyed watching painting and reading the interesting conversations. I want to see Roger, will you post an image? Will definitely need to get a picarto account.


I'd love to see some livestream stuff, watching art get made is always a blast! And a little forewarning would be perfect for those of us that don't have accounts.


Impending tentacle sexy times. Yummy! Anyways, would love to watch you live painting/drawing different kinds of pictures there. Telling us ahead of time (before you start streaming, that is) would be fantastic :)


Completely up to you on this one Nikraria, I hardly have anything to do with streams given the fact I have so little time during my day. But if it brings you good attention, I say all the better.


It's allways interesting to see how artists work, so if you want to stream I would love to see it, and of cours, it's easier to follow you if you put a notice on patreon :)


Rain and tits! Two of my favorite things!


I would love to see how you make those drawings.

Anios Selindar

*rool his face over the screen* nomnomnom Followed on picarto ! I hope to be there next time you'll be on Nik', would love to see you draw and chat ^^


Letting us know when you're on would be awesome! AND TAKE YOUR TIME!

Andreas de Penz

Would be cool to see you working ;) but how can I be informed


I think these are really nice tits! :o More!!!