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Take some chinese food man...

About work...

I tested the new code of the game. Now we have states (poison, paralyze and confuse) and the girls could learn spells. That spells cost sanity and they can use fast/slow, health, damage and increase sanity.

I'm still working on it, but I think is working good enough for now.

I did some pencils of new commissions, one of them is a new comic about Eloise and Rebecca, other one is a new picture of my favourite DA girl.

I started with the final color of the charaters and backgrounds of my secret project and I did more dialogues for it.

I have more things to do, but this week I only did that, was a little bit chaotic, I know.

The picture...

A frame from Lost boys  , I loved it the first time I watched this movie, but the last time I didn't like it so much, but the ambient and the stethic still great for my taste.

Aside work...

I have my laptop again on my house, and now I can play Witcher and Overwatch again, but for now I wanna finish The Vagrant.

These days I only work during day and play a little bit at nights, so I don't have so much things to tell you...

About the picture, What about this book a good friend of mine gave me in my last birthday?

The edition is wonderful, Call of Cthulhu tale illustrated by  François Baranger.

 The song...  

 FM-84 - Running in The Night (feat. Ollie Wride) 

 I think is enough for today...

Thank you as usual for your patience and support!




I haven’t read this book yet, I am sure it’s nice, in general gifts such as books impress me quite a lot, especially these days it’s a rarity.


Do you think so? I thought was very common. Maybe its because I'm old.