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When some random crazy doctor wake up you in the middle of the night...

About work...

I have done the most part of the pencil commissions, I wanna finish all pencils to do all ink and then all color, but this will take me some time...

I sent the new commission to Saguaro to update the combat mode of the game to make it a little bit complex. I'm redrawing some things for the next update, because i'm not happy enough with it, if nothing change, the next update would be the "hentai" pictures in the streets.

The picture...

From the re-animator movie, another Lovecraft adaptation, personally I like more the tales than the movie, but I find it funny enough to recomend it.

Aside work...

Well, you support me so much, so I think is fair to tell you things of my personal life that can affect how I work on the projects.

My mother have a problem and she needs an operation.

I hope you could understand I'm not feeling so good this days, is not even a year than my brother passed away and now , probably in the same month, other operation of a family member.

But I'm well, I don't wanna bother you with this, just keep on mind if I'll upload the comics or commissions more  slow than usual.

Thanks for your comprehension!

 A song... 

I usually listen to this to cheer myself up, I hope do the same for at least some of you.


Thank you very much for being there.




The Re-Anamator movies are such fun classics, and they brought such a great actor to the stage. I am so sorry to hear about your Mother, I wish there was more i could say to help, but I'm am sure things will be okay


I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother, I wish I can say something to help. but have faith Nik, I'm sure things will be ok. Just remember no matter what problems you got or mistakes you made, you don't have to carry the load by yourself. You got family and friends to help you. If you need someone to talk you, we're here for you.


Sorry to hear about your mom and the surgery. I'm hoping all goes well for you two during this time- best wishes. Live to win!


why no male protag?