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Ok, the text is in spanish, but here is a little translation of the menus:

- "Leave" "Take a look" / "Talk to Willy" "Talk to Boudolf" / "Ask for help to Willy" "Leave" / "Examine" "Use the key" "Leave" -

You can see more or less how the system works, you can find some nps who can help you into the dungeons, some of them ask for money, and in the future for other things.

Also you can see a random event to increase excitation into the game, in this case an unknow person say Eloise how beautiful she looks that day.

The same will be for summon creatures, and maybe only some cahracter coudl do that.

You can see more or less how will be the game , and I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and your patience!


Companion system DW



It’s great that you let us see that, I personally think that there’s not enough communication on DW, could it be possible to post each month some sort of summary of your work ? Other artists do that and I find it great


Well, The game have not a lot of content, and I dont wanna spoil a lot , so I think is a little bit hard, also I can talk about how the code is a hell for me and how I need make the things twice to make the game works, but sincerely, I think would be so bored. I'll try to keep in mind and find a way to talk more about the game without so much spoilers.


This game looks wonderful


Damn, dude... I shudder with horror when I think about the amount of working hours you poured into this beast. Looks awesome man! 0_0


Oh, and if you would allow me to share my opinion on something: the font you are using. It seems to be way to small and way to stylized. When it comes to VNs the font should be as readable as possible. I understand the urge to use some freaky font to add to the mood, but that is like using some barely readable font to print a book: it could be fun for the first couple pages but eventually it starts to get annoying. That's just my humble opinion, man. Not trying to tell you how to do you job. Just food for thought :)

Abraham McNeil

My biggest compliment is going to be the settings or background pages right now. It looks incredible period and very beautiful.


The size is wrong, right, and I like the font but you are right , some people in the past told me exactly the same, I guess I can make a menu to choose the font without problem. Thank you for telling me, I need to see this kind of things a few times to make something about it. Thank you for take the time to comment man, I know you are really busy too :D

Andreas de Penz

akabur is one of your patreons? nice! :D goodj job too ^^