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Here is my proposal to new pledges, before I'll changed it, I'll love to read about your opinion, if you hate this enough I can keep the pledges as we have it.

Also, if you have some ideas about it feel free to share it.

Let me explain a little bit what is my idea for this changes.

- The games will be free for all, in exchange of that, I'll offer an early acces for monstreons and higher pledges of one or two months early.

-About the new pledge, the only new thing is the pencil draft in your mail each month to say thanks. This would be just a little draw with something writed. When I sent originals in the past I tried to make something funny in the envelope, you have an example on discord, but something small enough to go in a classic envelope.


-Other option for the new pledge would be the same picture for everyone, but would be some little digital picture in color printed and signed, with a handwritemark.

In that way I think I'll can reduce the cost to 20USD.

Tomorrow I'll make a poll to let you choose between the options.

-That new pledge will have a maximum patreons, I don't know now how much will be that but I think around 15 or 20.

I think I forgot nothing. Let me know if you have questions about it.

As usual, thank you for your patience and support!




Could you make the maximum patreon 15 a month?


I need to know more or less what is the cost to send the mail to the most far away place. I checked with rusia for example and it's around 15 Euros, around 17 USD but I need to confirm tomorrow at the postal office. In the best case would be 20 USD, sorry.

Abraham McNeil

Two Opinions: (dang, there's no way to make a paragraph on this thing) 1) I think $25 would be very fair for what you're offering. My opinion is to go with it. 2) You may actually have people fighting to get into this tier (I would be one of them) so definitely think on how many sketches you want to make (or deliver) because you're liking going to max out immediately and forever.


The thing would be around 15 or 20, that is the reason cause I'll probably offer a maximum. But, we could change that for an exclusive little picture/pinup for that pledge with something handwrited. I'll could make the picture in digital, print the result and write something there. Idk waht people prefer. Obviously, one little picture/panel at month for everyone would be more easy for me,.


Shut up and take my money!


I think the changes to the tiers you've suggested are a good idea- although maybe start out with just 10 slots and gradually increase, just so you don't accidentally get overworked or the shipping costs pile up too much.


Alternatively, you could combine the two ideas: have a $20 tier and a $25 (or more) tier. $20 would be the same picture for everyone shipped out, but for $25 they'd also get another personal picture (could also be $25+ since they'd get another pic in addition to the $20 one).